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Selectmen Work Session 06/18/09
Selectmen’s work session
Thursday, June 18, 2009
6:00 pm

Present:  Selectmen Adams & Kullgren; Chairwoman Day, Road Agent, Duffy Fox

Minutes:  Administrative Assistant, Davidson

Day opened the meeting at 6:05 pm, stating the purpose of the meeting was to get informed, before Mr. Fox retires, as to what is on the agenda for the Roads.

Khowe – After reviewing a letter from the Khowe family, Selectmen discussed with Fox that Mr. & Mrs. Khowe are concerned about their property being encroached upon due to roadwork.

  • 15’ in front of their home.  Town must meet State standards for traffic count.  The Town count is currently 2 years old.  In order to receive funds FEMA the town must adopt and adhere to the State road standards.
  • To move road, the Khowe's would need to re-build the stonewall on the opposite side of the road.  They would also need to hire an engineer.  All costs would be at their expense, similar to what Willard and Holly Williams did.
  • Their well is actually in the Town right of way.
A letter will be sent to the Khowe’s.

Highway Priorities

  • Paving
  • Drainage
  • Keeping up with the gravel roads
  • Facilities
  • Driveway cut for cemetery area access – applied for today – will provide material for the town for years to come.
  • In the future, place a DPW barn and a salt shed in this location – temporary building with electricity could currently house a piece of equipment.
  • Mineral Rights – Doc Miner would need to sign them over – Jarvis to discuss this and explain the reclamation of the area.  The area would used as stockpile – need approximately 100’ feet to set up the processors.  Lakeshore protection should be notified – most likely would support this.  Karen will check with the ConCom.

FEMA Funds

  • BOS would like to have a report of the income vs. expenses – what is left over at this time.
  • Duffy would like to use the difference, if there is any, to pave mountain road.
PROS/CONS of moving town sheds

  • Financial savings – as the current building is not large enough
  • Time – as the new location is more centrally located – saving approximately $2.00/yard on material not having to drive back and forth out of town.
  • Only road maintained by town near the current DPW shed is Sunset Lake
  • Would have stones to crush & utilize on site
Mountain Road

  • There is 2,000’ left to complete – approximately $45,000 for the base road – after that is complete there is 2 miles left for the road to be completely finished.
Day asked about the schedule of roads that he anticipates working on.

Fox stated it is completed by need, there is noting in writing, it depends on the winter, mud season and natural disasters.

Culverts –
Kullgren asked for a list of the culverts.  Fox anticipates showing Joe Ellis this coming week what is planned.  Fox will check off the plan & what culverts have been completed.  He will make a list of the 69 culverts that were originally applied for.

  • South Brook culvert is in failure and must be replaced
  • School House Road has the same problem as Dodge Road – the town could lose the bridge but would need to build a turn-a-round.
  • Swamp road needs to be replaced
Again, Kullgren stated the Board of Selectmen would like Duffy’s list and ideas of projects, the importance of each one and why.  If he could prioritize them, that would be very helpful.

S. Francestown Rd. Bridge –

Fox stated that South Francestown Road Bridge needs attention.  Explained multiple culverts and that the State doesn’t allow them, they want larger pipe and fewer culverts.

Position of DPW Supervisor –

Fox discussed possibly working part-time being a worker, not the boss.  Fox stated the importance of the job he currently holds being replaced.  He further suggested giving Joe Ellis a chance, with a probationary time of one year.

Job will be posted in the paper – it will be advertised as a full time position.

Fox discussed whoever fills the position must be invested in the town; able to multi task and going into the job realizing they will take a lot of heat.

Building Maintenance

Reaching out to the Town Energy Committee – the Board would like them to entertain the possibility of researching an energy efficient building for a new town barn.  They could research and make suggestions to the Board of their findings.

Selectmen thanked Duffy for his time and knowledge – realizing there is a lot more to learn, they will reach out to Duffy after his retirement if needed.  They thanked Duffy for all his dedication to the Town.

No further business the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s meeting will be on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 6:00 pm